Footloose and Sugar Free!
Okay, so perhaps we should forgive the slightly ambiguous title of this blog – I am neither footloose nor am I sugar free, though goodness knows I am trying my darndest with the latter.
Indeed, January has flown by in the blink of an eye and Sugar Free February is here, all in the wonderful name of Cancer Research UK. It’s only fitting that charity should be at the centre of this week’s (probably month’s…sorry) blog, as I have something to tell you!
The Big News…
You may recall I mentioned on Facebook a while back that I have some exciting news to share with you. I’m now delighted to announce that over the past month I have been working with the incredible Deafblind UK. This national charity was established in 1928 and aims to improve the lives of its hearing and visually-impaired members with services up and down the country.
Every quarter, DBUK produces a member magazine called Open Hand – a publication so important, it was exempt from paper rationing in the Second World War, no less! I was lucky enough to be selected as a freelance writer for the spring issue, and have put together 19 articles so far. The finished copy should be available within the next few weeks so I shall keep you all posted on this. It’s been a pleasure to work for DBUK and I’ve learned so much from writing about these inspirational people. I’d encourage you all to take a read when it finally goes to press.
New Y
ear, New Me?
Perhaps it’s a little late in the day to continue chanting this immortal mantra that clogs up our Facebook feed every January, but I have learned a thing or two about looking after my health in 2017. This is probably thanks to my recent acquisition of another client, Inner Me. Run by the lovely Nikki Cooper, Inner Me is an e-commerce site selling health supplements, vitamins and more, all of which are free of any chemical nastiness and rely upon organic ingredients to improve health.
Nikki is also an inspiration to us all – though she has multiple sclerosis, she doesn’t let this get in the way of running her own business and looking after her children, all whilst promoting a healthy lifestyle. I was introduced to Nikki via my client Moritz Schmittat, and so far I’ve been writing blogs and have even branched out into social media management. It’s another string to the bow and all very exciting!
Going the Extra Mile
So, besides regular client work and some lovely new faces, I’ve also signed myself up to potentially my hardest challenge yet – a marathon! I was wary of shouting about it too much (as I don’t want to decide I can’t be bothered and let people down!) so all I will say is, all being well, I will be running a marathon at some point this year. Hint: it’s not London. No way would I have enough time to train for that. (I’ve even forgone a 6K run tonight to write this blog…start as you mean to go on, right?)
So we have that to look forward to plus some potential writing with VIP Match Days and Sponsor Seeker. I wrote a couple of articles for both sites just recently and am hoping to see this flourish into something even bigger long-term. Watch this space!
I suppose I should round off by apologising for being so poor with blog updates – I like to think it’s because I’m too busy writing everybody else’s! My New Year’s resolution was to write more blogs, so…a month late, much like the diet…I resolve to be better.
We’ll see how that goes.

2nd February 2017